Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Office Party

Just for today it’s OK to just bring chips and salsa to the office party. Just because Francesca brought homemade ceviche and Edward made stuffed mushrooms and Rachel baked a pie, doesn’t diminish the quality of my contribution. I can’t always express the maximum amount of energy, effort, creativity and thought into every aspect of my life and still take care of myself. And even if I might feel slightly cheap that I didn’t take the time to buy the ingredients to make guacamole (my only specialty), these are only feelings. Fake sites cheap viagra also don’t list essential information such as dosage recommendations, side effects and other important details. You can viagra uk shop from our website at cheap rates without any hassle. You’ll be ready to hit the road in no time prescription cialis cost at all. Numerous studies have strongly tied four major cardiovascular risk factors for ED. levitra samples And even if I enjoy the food other people made more than I enjoy the standard, boring chips and salsa (OK, I’m judging again) that doesn’t make me a bad person. Just for today, it’s OK to show up for Fred’s going away party bringing myself, Tostitos, and Pace Picante sauce. That is more than enough.