Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Confession Part II: Free Therapy

As a courtesy to my fellow confessioners, I tried today to keep my confession (or the story of my life over the past two months) to a few key points. Father Ben has a way of making me feel like I’m making too big of a deal out of my “sins.” After all, it’s only human to hate certain people and wish them dead. Any reasonable Catholic has a healthy appreciation for the drama of human emotions. Needless to say, I said my penance by praying for those I resent and lighting a candle. But if the following symptoms persist for a long buy generic viagra time then you can take this drug as your ideal medicament. Diabetic patients and people buy cipla viagra with diminished liver and malfunctioning kidneys should be closely scrutinized by the doctor while mentioning about this specific disease. levitra prescription on line continue reading for more now Plus, it includes the movements of Windows 7 and Windows 8. This forms of kamagra comes in order cialis from canada sachet and also available in pill, skin-patch, spray and gel form. While I was praying, I stared up at a mural of Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph. I noticed that while Jesus stood in the center with his arms open wide, Mary had hers crossed over her chest (as if she was trying to hide her boobs) and Joseph was carrying a stick (as if he was preparing to beat somebody). I have often noted the odd bloody depictions of Christ on a cross that permeate most Catholic churches, but I never realized how depressing some of the portrayals of his co-horts are. Just for today, I can accept that the Catholic religion is bizarre.