Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


To Do List

1) Take clothes to dry cleaner (don’t forget coupon).
2) Get eyebrows done (don’t take Eyebrow Ladies’ comments about your skin personally, remember, it is her job to make you acutely aware of your imperfections).
3) Paint kitchen (remember to ventilate this time. Note to self: if you feel faint, go outside.)
4) Go to work Christmas party (note to self: don’t forget to make awkward, self-deprecating chit-chat about your single, childless status).
5) Talk to your therapist about why you feel compelled to make awkward, self-deprecating chit-chat about your single, childless status.
6) At therapist’s suggestion rent the first three seasons of Sex in the City, create an altar to Miranda, and write letter to Oprah about peer pressure on women in their 30’s. The approach for the treatment depends upon the precipitation of the bile generic viagra sale acids. We’re buy viagra canada all familiar with chocolate cyst of ovary, and it’s time to know further about its dangerous factor – the thick endometrium. According to studies conducted on those who are affected by from severe obesity suffering diabetes. canada cialis levitra It is one of the best herbs for the cialis viagra canada treatment of sexual disorders.
7) Get hair cut and highlighted (note to self: don’t dwell on your conformity to beauty standards. Assume confident posture in sell-out mode.)
8) Have children (note to self: don’t forget husband).
9) Meet husband (note to self: make sure you REALLY like him).
10) Fall in love with husband (note to self: try not to have children first).