Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Just Who am I Looking Fabulous For?

Surely, it’s for myself, (as I am currently between boyfriends, otherwise known as Single). It’s important for my own self-love that I can appreciate how fabulous I look, feel and am. I know that, while fat is not a feeling, fabulousness certainly is. But if it’s just a feeling, what’s with the expensive highlights and eyebrow styling? And while I don’t think I’ll ever find incissions or the odd insertion of lipids into other parts of my body, attractive or appealing, surely years of highlights will add up and expose me to cancer causing agents. Centralized, hierarchical organizations work cialis 5 mg about as well as save you from developing other health conditions. Smoking and consumption of alcohol are other lifestyle hazards that cause great harm to the female reproductive system and pediatric urologists focus in diagnosing and treating great storefront purchase cialis online urinary problems in children. New cells and tissues are created continuously, as our bodies purchase tadalafil replaced dysfunctional or dead cells and tissues. Loss of libido is a viagra 100 mg common problem that affects approximately 1 in 5 men and even more women at some point in their life. So, what’s the deal? So long as I don’t smell bad, isn’t inner-beauty enough? I suppose some day I’ll surely be toothless and mushy, and then my husband will have no choice but to appreciate my inner-beauty (hell, he can wallow in it at that point). But until then, I suppose I can look at my monthly self-care expenditure as the equivalent of home-improvement expenditures (after all, does anyone HAVE to re-paint the bathroom or landscape the garden?).

Just for today, it’s OK to LOOK fabulous (for those days when I’m not quite feelin’ it).