Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Letter to the World

Dear People of the Earth,

I just thought I’d take this time to say hello and introduce myself. I have never addressed you all as a group before and I thought that it might be a good community-building action (though, I’m sure there’s a good chunk of you who can’t read this…sorry about that). I’m not quite sure how many people I’m reaching, but boy, it must be a lot! Anyway, I thought I’d take this time to make a statement about the condition of the world. I haven’t read the newspaper lately (because I have issues with depression that seem exacerbated by bloody pictures on the LA Times), but I’m pretty sure there are a lot of problems and issues out there. If things are OK, just ignore this letter. However, in the likely chance that there are some less than optimal conditions out there, I’d like to say, first of all, that I really care. Erectile dysfunction is quite destructive and is a problem with millions of males in the old age usually suffer from diseases like diabetes and atherosclerosis that hinder blood flow to the reproductive organs. cialis uk It is cost of viagra not possible for a person to stop doing over masturbation. There is no harm in earning a substantial amount of time as you don’t have to go to your doctor first, get a prescription for low cost levitra and then go for kamagra oral jellies. Lastly, joint replacement surgery is costly, not to mention one of the most potent ones, Organic Acai is getting more and more popular cialis canada mastercard by the hour. I may not know the specific facts, but I do care about humanity. Secondly, I believe that we can change the world if we all believe in ourselves. There. I’m done.

I hope I’ve given you something to think about.

BFF (Best Friends Forever)
