Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist



Dear CBS,

I am writing this letter to let you know how I feel about the fact that you won’t air’s Bush in 30 Seconds winning ad during the most widely watched television event of the year (aka, the Super Bowl).

How do I feel? I feel sad. I also feel exactly like I did when I was a little girl and my father told me that I could only have one piece of candy after dinner. So I had my one piece and he stuffed his face with my Halloween candy. And when I said, “but that’s not fair.” He took a second from chewing and said, “Life’s not fair.” And those words have rung in my ears ever since.

What I’ve learned is that, basically, life is unfair. But it is unfair in a different way than how we’re used to thinking of unfairness. Medical science has taken a rapid stride towards progress in mitigating almost every medical disease including ED. levitra online usa There are viagra professional no monotonous calendars or unique techniques to take after. While Kamagra 100mg is an oral means to viagra österreich cure impotence. In the past, a number of people have been ranking this supplement as their most effective. cialis 20mg no prescription Sure, it’s unfair that those who disagree with the decisions of the Bush administration should be unable to express their views at the Super Bowl. However, it’s also unfair that vulnerable, confused, human beings who like football should have advertisements shoved down their throats that glorify alcohol abuse, and mysoginy. That we should be taught to numb out and desensitize those feelings that say, “Hey, wassup?! Something feels largely amiss in a world spending billions on a war with no reason when sending my child to a public school feels like child abuse.”

CBS execs, I encourage you to feel the fear and do it anyway. Remember your cushy jobs, cars, and suits don’t mean anything if can’t let go of the fear.

Let go and let God, CBS. I swear, you’ll feel better, and you’ll make this a better and more fair world for everone.

