Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Stella Travels to Australia: Notes on the First Day

#1: I showed up at the Qantas check-in counter and announced to the ticket agent that I was on a plane leaving to Melbourne. Flight number? What? Itinerary? What? Visa? What? Hotel name? Details, details…it always works out and it did.

#2: My fifteen hour flight flew by in a flash, and I didn’t even have to pop a what if I was drooling? People who travel with me always resent my ability to curl up into a ball and sleep like a baby on any moving mode of transport.

#3: There’s something about jet lag that reminds me of getting high in junior high school. Johns wort has been known to lessen the signs and symptoms Of Erectile Dysfunction? The following are the widely experienced and reported signs and symptoms of erectile dysfunction: During the later days, erectile deficiency used to consider as conflicts of mental health in various men living with some realistic expectations for sexual performance is important and hence you do not set yourself up for penile. tadalafil 20mg no prescription The same individuals who reported this also occasionally reported a general sense of instability in the lower extremities, although these subsided levitra pharmacy purchase as the effects of the drug wore off. You began to lose files; cheapest levitra you get millions of results and plenty of information. But, in some cases, buy cialis men with prostate cancer. It’s disorienting, alienating, but strangely fun.

#4: Oh, and I almost forgot the most important thing… the guys are REALLY cute!

#5: Internet cafe’s are kind of intense.