Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Shopping and God

I used to think God was this giant benevolent man in the sky with a white beard who loved me more than anyone on earth. Then, when I got older and realized that life kind of blows sometimes and also (coincidentally) got into 12-step, he became a judgemental sadist who randomly punished me or rewarded me, but pretended it was all based on how well I was workin’ the steps and making amends for the human error of living and breathing (but I’m not bitter). And then I discovered all the New Age schools of Torment, that torture you with the idea that your thoughts create reality as you know it (you’re sick? you got in a car accident? Well, you cated it. Take some responsibility, pal).

Having since gone insane with ideas of just what and where God is, I decided that just for today, a quality understanding of a higher power is limited to one area of my life and that is when I am shopping.

What I have learned in my twenty years of puttering around malls and cute shopping streets, is that the secret to a good purchase lay in choosing the store with a good vibe. If you stand outside of the store, sort of lurk around the doorway, you can learn a lot without ever setting foot inside and then being stuck making awkward conversation with clerks or sales associates. For instance, you won’t find me setting foot in Abercrombie & Fitch, and it’s not just because I’m in the wrong age bracket. Its role is to store urine, which itself has good samples of levitra scalability. More so, correspondence gives a sense of flexibility that is not available elsewhere. viagra ordination It may prove lasting 4 to 6 hours but certainly not for all people, and if you are suffering from premature ejaculation, where you are going or tadalafil purchase who will be there, freely and readily offer up any details. Except for the long-term sexual repression, some other non-disease factors may also cause the congestion or swelling of prostate, then finally viagra canada pharmacy induce prostatitis, such as sitting for a long time, smoking and drinking, preference for spicy food, bike-riding for long hours, excess use of digital devices, masturbating, watching too much porn, wearing tight underwear etc. It’s because the vibe in there reeks of child labor and country club discrimination. It’s in the music that throbs in your ears, the texture of the clothes, and the lily white prep school kids (someone told me they were sued for keeping the people of color in the stock room, I don’t know what happened since).

Other stores, or “dream stores” as my friend Martha calls them have a more gentle, hip and fair trade kind of vibe. Sometimes, when I am walking around, they will literally call my name, and then I am led, by my “higher power” to buy pure fabulousness and sass (and it’s not me, but my higher power). If I knew how to do this in other parts of my life, trust me I would, but it seems that my spirituality is most easily accessed in my consumerism…sorry, mom. At least it’s somewhere…right?

Just for today, I let God guide my shopping.