Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Adult Child Issues

It’s so easy for me to feel like a little kid again. But not in a free-spirited, joyful way, more like a traumatized, please-don’t-be-mad-I’m-sorry-for-whatever-I-did-let-me-fix-it kind of way. Which makes it really hard to have a relationship with someone who expresses more than one emotion. This is due in large part to the unique benefits like no side effects risk, simple and soothing medicine, no use of chemicals, long-term effect, heals the body and brings it to the natural state. cialis get viagra After that, cipla cialis online foreign aid should go as our government deems appropriate for Americans. Both women and men feel the state of depression in their lives at different stages. viagra sale In this article, we will provide you cheap levitra with a shipment guarantee. I don’t care if I haven’t seen the person or spoken to them in the last decade, I still feel that I have something to do with their neurotransmitters and serotonin levels going on in the brain of said person in that particular moment. And what makes it worse is that knowing this doesn’t keep it from happening. I can say the affirmation, “I am not responsible for other people’s feelings,” all day and night and I’m still a ten-year-old trapped in a 32-year-old’s body.

Just for today, it’s OK to feel like an adult child.