Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Love and Dating

If there is one thing I’ve learned about love and dating in thirty-two years of vibing with the opposite (from me) sex, it’s to never, ever entertain a cavalier attitude about my male companions. I don’t care how small a role I think someone might be playing in the epic saga of my sometimes fabulous, other times pathetic love life, it has been shown to me on more than one occasion that, once the dust has settled and I’m living in the land of Emotional Clarity, my perspective on what I call my most “significant” relationships, really changes. In the throws of endorphins, God knows who I’ll erect a statue to. But after the chemicals have died, it all seems to shift around, like some Sex and the City Kaleidescope, and the guys who stand in relief in the story of my life aren’t the ones I necessarily had some mad adolescent Tiger Beat passion for, or even spent a lot of QT with, but the ones who just kind of hung out with me, genuinely listened to me, and seemed to care. This is not only using for the repair to take a period of time that is about 4-5 hours. viagra pfizer 100mg is mostly recommended to people who would like to treat their condition before using prescription treatments for premature ejaculation. Person taking this free viagra in canada medication must avoid eating this. There can be hundred of psychological and brand cialis online physical factors of sexual function. What leads viagra generika to ED? Numerous issues can lead to man’s ability to get and maintain a penile erection.

Ever since I was old enough to have a crush on Gopher from “The Love Boat,” boys have been my drug of choice…The fantasy that Ralph Macchio was going to rescue me from the barren emotional landscape that was much of my childhood hasn’t entirely unhinged itself from my psyche (a fact which is complicated by the fact that Ralph doesn’t seem to physically age…though I haven’t seen him in some time, so I don’t know…anyone?). I wasn’t really born with the genetic make-up for a stable commited relationship, so the fact that any one of them show any promise of that is surprising. While I’m sometimes embarrassed, sometimes proud of the fact that it’s taken me a long time to find…well, no one to share my life, I do know that I treat the whole unending process with more respect and I know that if I ever do make it to the world of Adult Relationships in one piece, I won’t be fakin’ it with some giant rock and white picket fence (though – just FYI – I do want a giant rock.)

The point of all this is…I’m becoming slightly mature.

Just for today, I can respect my “process” in love and dating.