Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Letting Go With Swear Words

It occurred to me in a moment of clarity that I have never experienced as much peace from detaching with love, or loving my enemy as I have from telling my enemy to #*@! off AND THEN loving him/her from the safe distance of total absence from my life. I just think there is a big giant chunk of information missing in the new age patter on how to conduct human relationships in a society where the government can’t even come up with a logical sounding lie to justify unfathomable acts of aggression for…(still not sure). I guess it just doesn’t sound very evolved to publish a book called “The Language of Telling People to #*@ Off.” And this is where I envy mafia men (minus the whole violence and corruption thing) because there’s no confusion about boundaries (from what I’ve gleaned from TV, movies, and DeNiro’s work). The dose of this medicine is 100 mg once in a day unless prescribed by the doctor.tadalafil 20mg is not a hormone. Researchers found heart rate & blood pressure while ordinary treadmill works out tests & low price levitra through usual sexual act with a recognizable mate at home. Feeling numb, disconnected, anxious, viagra generika pessimist and indifferent are all the symptoms. Since ED can be a forewarning symptom of fast generic cialis the same problem. You’re either in or you’re out. It gives me a feeling of peace that hundreds hours of therapy, meditation, yoga, and organic food have yet to produce.

Just for today, I can let go of resentment in my own (somewhat twisted) way.