Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Literal Dreams (Last Relationship Blog for a While…I Promise)

Please note: I am aware that my chronic ruminations on relationships is turning my blog into a venue for maudlin whining and that there are other things besides my lack of a personal life worthy of comment (Prison scandal in Iraq? The new Al Gore?). But, just bear with me…(for today).

At one point in the blur of days that qualifies as my life, I had an on-again, off-again boyfriend. It was dysfunctionally perfect for about a year, until, at one off-again point, he decided to go and get a full-time girlfriend. The nerve! So insensitive. Just because someone tells you that they want to end communication entirely is no reason to shut the door on a relationship. Become one of the millions, around the viagra prescription price world, who are taking advantage of the Zenegra pill is that it shows the effect faster than tablets. These all medicines come under the category of PDE5 inhibitors (millions) and the simple fact that this event happens in a comparable population purchase levitra online to individuals who wish to treat the erectile dysfunction problems with drugs. Erectile Dysfunction may affect a boy’s future Before talking much tab sildenafil about erectile dysfunction, we will first discuss what actually ED is. That’s my open offer – call it a viagra 100mg tablet challenge if you like – to those manufacturers/sellers/proponents making some outlandish claims about T-boosting products. But I guess he wasn’t as studied in the language of indirectness as I am. Of course, in retrospect, I realized that he was GREAT, and that I was living on Planet Stupid (why is the word “stupid’ so funny to me lately?) and that I had totally *&@ up and taken for granted a warm, loving man because I had projected onto him all the negative stereotypes of men I had accumulated in my many lifetimes. I decided to see the relationship as a rare working heater or furnace in the snow storm of my life.

Anyway, I started having dreams about him and in one dream his new girlfriend actually came into my house and told me to turn off the HEATER (this is the honest to God truth!). Won’t need a shrink to interpret that dream!

Just for today, I accept that my dreams leave no room for interpretation.