Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Emotional Stuff

Skin Care

The good news is that I’m having a good skin day. The bad news is that there’s no one around to impress, so I’m wasting it on the people I work with.

There’s something about crying sessions over emotional abandonment issues that makes my skin really appear a lot healthier and more glowing. It’s a secret that would destroy the beauty industry. They adjust order viagra online the spine and joints using hands. Brussels sprouts While Brussels sprouts historically cheap viagra in india have a reputation all over the world. But if this beneficial solution starts bothering you by reacting in adverse way by developing head ache, dizziness, nausea, stomach pain, gastric feeling, constipation, seizure, dry mouth, cough, confusion, uncontrolled heart beats or cialis for sale canada the chest congestion then you should immediately take action to get recovered from these undesirable drug effects. You need to fill up a form cialis generika Order Page with personal information like name, corresponding address, age, payment process etc. If women all over LA started to tap into their feelings of abandonment and fears of being unlovable, there would be no need to buy $50 Dermatologica face cream, or all the other crap women spend their hard-earned cash on. (This is not, by the way, the reason why I break down in tears. I just notice the difference it makes on my complexion.)

I’m no super-model, but I think vaseline, swimming (chlorine is a great astringent), and the occasional emotional break-down is a prettty good skin care regiment.

Just for today, I can take care of my skin.