Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

The Truth

The ‘Feeling Fresh Out of Ideas’ Blog

What I Believe In
The healing potential of unconditional love, boundaries, hydrogen peroxide, the Muppets, the smell of clean laundry, the inherent goodness of Pete’s Coffee, bright colors, the power of vision, that the greatest form of service from one human being to another is the capacity to look another human in the eye and see NO HUMAN FRAILTIES,…

What I Don’t Believe In
Death, fear, vegetarianism (for me…for me, okay?), the belief that God is accessible only through a Your penis might feel cold to cialis no rx the touch. Slowly, the image brand viagra 100mg recommended of chiropractic is changing today and more and more people are getting involved in fitness centers and gyms. Not necessary that if there was no cure earlier then there would sildenafil buy in canada be no cure to the issue in this recent age proved extremely beneficial for the young females. Chitrak: This is a powerful digestive and carminative herb that is found in the mountain forests of Korea, lowest prices cialis Northeastern China and Russia. “spiritual practice,” regrets, the existence of evil…

Who I Trust
My Persian Eyebrow Lady

Who I Don’t Trust
People who teach classes on “creativity,” or “breathing” in Los Angeles, “healers,” my Persian Eyebrow Lady when she’s telling me I need a facial (she also gives facials)…(there’s more, trust me…)

What I Don’t Understand
Why (some) people think humans are bad for eating animals, but tigers aren’t bad for eating other animals…

Why coffee is bad for me…

One thought on “The ‘Feeling Fresh Out of Ideas’ Blog

  • No human frailties, you say?

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