Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Body Stuff


I thought I was all bad-ass by swimming three times a week. But then I watched the Olympics and thought “holy shizer” those women have great bodies and must swim at least four times a week! Anyway, I found out today that this woman I work with named Marica swims ten more laps than I do! As it turns out, I’m just Once the blood best price vardenafil flow is increased, the penis becomes erect effortlessly. A lot of pain, limited mobility; even breathing makes it hurt more. viagra cialis prix buying this What are the causes of decreased height? buy cialis in canada There are many causes associated with decreased height. commander cialis Anxiety, fear, exertion and even stressful situations increase the rate of the metabolism. paddling around the water like an old lady and imagining that I’m a triathlete who doesn’t need to prove anything. I didn’t think I was competitive about swimming (especially since I get smoked in the fast lane on a regular basis), but it turns out I have “working out” pride…so humbling.

Just for today, I am humbled by the exercise routine of others.

One thought on “Pride

  • I believe that exercise is over-rated. who cares how you look and feel. we only live one life and I dont wish to waste mine by having the best body in the world. But whatever keeps others happy, they can do it then. Thats just my oppion.(spelled wrong)

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