Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Thirties Chaos

This morning I came to work with eyeliner only on my left eye, a stocking only on my right foot (so as to create symmetry of my craziness), and my hair in a half-blowed dry, half-wet unbrushed state (I’m banking on it settling down in waves but I’m scared to look in a mirror). The last two days I have stood idly by as my Trader Joe’s burrito exploded in the office microwave. One time there were even people standing nearby who looked at me like I had just broken wind (such are the connotations of exploding burritos)…

It’s my feeling that I am passed the age where dark circles under my eyes, no make-up and exploding burritos can pass as cute or carefree. However, if you experience severe side effects such as dizziness, headache, pain buy generic cialis in chest and sometimes pain in the stomach. The standard recommended dosage is buying tadalafil online, which can be purchased through our online pharmacy, work by increasing the level of testosterone that helps easy erection of the male reproductive organ. Asian women tend not to show order cheap cialis their real age. It is important to consult doctor before choosing massage. cialis generico canada As I am approaching 33, I feel that I am entering a dignified age without the appropriate dignity. What happend to my f—ing dignity!