Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Los Angeles

Pets and Money

Due to various circumstances in my life (i.e., a current lack of regular employment) I have begun tutoring to pick up slack between writing gigs.

I am tutoring a very sweet young girl whose family lives in what appears to me to be a mansion, but which is probably just another house on the block to her. The other night, I asked her to use the word “abundance” in a sentence and she came up with, “I have an abundance of animals.” When I asked her what animals she has she replied, “A dog, a horse, a couger, and a leopard…” I had to ask her to repeat that last part because I was under the impression that leopards weren’t domesticated animals. She said that her cougar and leopard are kept in a sanctuary. In the beginning I found these newsletters to be a fantastic way to access information and discover what the next big thing was or to get some good free tips regarding how to make improvements cialis in kanada to my advertisement copy or expand my list. The problem is dirty pick lines rarely work. view now discount cialis To counter attack such health nuisance medical science has introduced a medication known as ‘Kamagra soft free samples cialis tablets’. super viagra for sale These are not always same for all. I felt relieved that I wouldn’t be greeted with a roar as well as the barking (of her dog, she doesn’t bark) when I entered the gates next time. While I pet the dog (who now likes me)she mentioned that the dog’s masseuse would be coming the next day. I thought about mentioning that I hadn’t had a massage in quite some time and maybe the dog masseuse could take five minute to work on my neck,but I thought that might be inappropriate.

I’m wondering if I do get a dog if he/she will feel deprived or less than about not having his/her own yard, let alone a personal masseuse.

Just for today, I have an abundance of interesting stories.