Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Beard Boundaries

My boyfriend is (was) growing out his beard for a part in a play. At least that’s what he said. I happen to think that not shaving or wearing shoes is his way of telling The Man to go screw himself (which is very 60’s). I’m all for rebelling against The Man, but I have to draw a line somewhere, and an untrimmed mustache rivaling those I’ve seen on homeless men is a great place to start. It is easier to prevent diabetes if diagnosed early and hence, if you suspect that viagra viagra online you are suffering from early discharge. Order levitra uk 60mg online to beat sexual mayhem called impotence & premature ejaculation. Consult a doctor before starting on a dosage of cialis generika 20mg . tadalafil side effects Therefore, it becomes quite embarrassing for a man to face such kind of problem. I was extraordinarily patient for a period of time in which a forced a Mother Theresa air of acceptance and generosity (I know Mother Theresa didn’t have sexual relations, but if she did she probably wouldn’t care if her partner looked like Rumpelstiltskin). I broke down yesterday and said that if he wanted to look like a caveman and go out with me, he’s going to have to land the lead in Castaway II. He evidently values our relationship more than the free-loving beard and he got a beard-trim that gave him a very sexy five day shadow.

Just for today, I have boundaries around my boyfriend’s facial hair.