Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Depression and Dan Rather

It’s taken me all day to figure out why I’m depressed. I thought maybe it was my childhood, or the latest fight I had with my boyfriend, or financial insecurity. it turns out, I am depressed because of Dan Rather.

Two weeks agos Dan Rather departed from CBS because of some “inaccuracies” in a news statement about Bush (because Mr. Who Can Be Bothered With Details of Weapons of Mass Destruction, raised the bar of credibility so damn high…NOT! (By the way, two things: 1) It’s been a long time since I’ve used the expression “not!”and 2) I know this happened a few weeks ago, but I am embarrasingly notorious for news jet lag.)

Anyway, I never knew that I had an attachment to this anchor of news anchos until he was attacked for having a “liberal bias” after he reported that Bush received preferential treatment during his National Guard service (can anyone see our vacationing president in boot camp?). This depresses me to the Nth degree because of all the inacurracies, of all the lies, of all missing information in our media (for example: a few years ago, a World War II missle in a reclying exploded in an LAUSD high school and this information did not make the paper). With the help of kamagra jelly you can sustain erections for longer. viagra on line Although, Ovidac pregnyl hcg 5000IU is a safe and effective medication, but cialis price no prescription sometimes it may cause some side effects are temporary, and others can be minimized through medication and management by your doctor. The tadalafil vs cialis popping or cracking noise sound of an adjustment is those gasses being released. It is a general health tonic that improves your viagra prescription health and well-being. OUT OF ALL THE FILTERED INACCURATE NEWS REPORTS, THIS gets jumped, shows me me that this government could rival military dictatorships with the degree of POWER AND CONTROL it has over the media and that democracy is dead in our country. Our media is owned by the governemnt. Dan Rather, an obvious democrat, but an icon of America’s old solid FDR spirit has slunken (is that a word?) out of the limelight. What we’re left with are the heartless and robotic corporate puppets who seem to be able to sell the American public any brand of processesed schmaltz.

I’m writing about this because I can’t take it anymore. It’s affecting my sanity far more than the time my father left me at a hippy camp because he cut his finger (long story…another blog). Dan Rather could have snorted crack before and after his broadcasts for all I cared while he was still a CBS news anchor, but what his departure signifies to me seems more frightening and bizarre than the whole war campaign (which is still frightening and bizarre)…

It’s almost like watching someone bleed to death.

Just for today, I am frightened to be an American.