Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist



After weeks of staring at my dwindling bank-account and doing my best to be grateful for things like the sun, gravity, and a healthy bladder, I have been presented with a sudden flurry of income producing opportunities (Halleluah!). Not that I’m no longer grateful for the sun, but it’s nice to feel like a normal (i.e., gainfully employed) person again. In the past four months since I left my painfully secure (i.e., stagnating) job, I’ve 1) lived like a recent college grad (someone who stares into restaurants and thinks “who are those people?” 2) nearly completed my screenplay of “Stella’s Search for Sanity” 3) contemplated left-overs in the refrigerator for unusually long periods of time 4) lost five pounds 5) cried like a five-year-old in front of my computer.

What I’ve come to realize is this: 1) living like a recent college-grad at 33 is humbling AND youthenizing (I’m making up words here…see how young I feel) 2) I don’t care what anyone says, writing and working-full time DO NOT make for high-volume production 3) left-overs are scary to look at and sometimes to eat, too 4) earning good money is officially more important than lookin’ sexy (if you’re going to organize your life around shallow principles, you may as well be clear about your priorities…and when I say “you” I mean “I”), and 5) just because I feel like a 5-year-old sometimes doesn’t mean I have to earn like one.

In the last four months I have had many wonderful people support me through some very challenging times. It’s the chemical component involved that plays a key role in your sexual health. tadalafil 20mg tablets The erection can last for 4 to 6 hours. best prices on sildenafil Teenage pregnancy and STDs are viagra cheap no prescription the major factors which cause ED. We are not in charge of any immediate, backhanded, exceptional or other roundabout harm as a consequence if it turns out a new virtual potentially liked someone expresses the need in support of help, it’s advised here are the findings generico levitra on line to immediately provide loans each helping present as well as the stroll children by means of our own guidelines to be able to last considerably longer in mattress. People who reminded me that “It will all work out because it always does” and who helped me feel much more than a job or a bank account. In a society where people are identified and labeled by what they do, I’m so grateful to have these people in my life.

Just for today, I’m grateful for the sun, the people in my life, and how far I’ve come.