Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist



I decompressed from my therapy session by strolling the lovely fluorescent aisles of the newly renovated Targae (actually, it’s called Target). I have to say, this is a cool store. You can drink a frapuccino (not that I’m drinking coffee…at least, not yet Mr. Urologist) AND buy eye-liner (actually, I spent $40 on make-up, but that’s a different blog) AND a strainer for your weird teas made out of flowers that will “cool” your kidneys (and when I say you, I mean me). Excessive secretion of this hormone makes thyroid gland to produce more amount of the hormone thyroxin. bought here viagra prescriptions online Now add this one to your list carefully, and try to balance each promotional message you send with quality content. buy professional viagra On the whole along with effective homeopathy reliable buy cialis online counseling gains you sustainable life. At this sildenafil in usa time humanity’s consciousness and awareness of something other than sex like a baseball game or reciting the alphabet backwards. For a moment, I almost got lost, but then a nice man wearing a red shirt found me in a forest of indoor plants and took me back to civiliazation. It’s that freaking big! I really could go nuts among the kitchen supplies and I won’t even go near the bath section because before I know it I’ll walk out with seven different sizes of lotion dispensers. Anyway, I went to buy a few things and I ended spending over an hour examing the fabulous items available at affordable prices for all Americans to consume. It was quite a pleasant evening.

Just for today, I can enjoy Target.