Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


A Sincere Moment of Reflection

My father came in today to help me paint my apartment (three walls will be porcelain and one will be sage). Our relationship has changed dramatically in the last few years, to the point where it’s starting to feel like a not-so-small miracle. I haven’t always felt exactly safe to share my true self with this man who I have sometimes feared and sometimes loathed, but thanks to the magic of therapy and I don’t know what, this relationship seems to be turning into a healthy and loving one. I don’t know if I have changed, or he has changed, or maybe both. These delicious flavors play a vital role to make prescription viagra online ED treatment convenient and approachable. The synthetic drugs can be taken only by the men who are above cialis from canadian pharmacy the age of 18. Before you start using this drug, it is imperative to inform your doctor on any health issues such as history of arrhythmia or stroke in the past year, liver disease, blood vessel damage, infection, nerve damage, high blood pressure, stroke, limb amputation, and coma. cheapest tadalafil india These systems generally contain two cheapest tadalafil online tanks that work together to make sure that the sexual health of the concerned male is recovered to the fullest. What has brought this on could be credited to tragedy and loss, or a commitment to personal improvement on both our parts. I don’t really know. For years, nothing I did changed anything, and then suddenly everyone and everything started to change on their own.

I’m not sure how life works, but I am starting to believe that for each and every day, absolutely anything is possible.

Just for today, I am humbled by the mystery of life.