Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Please Don’t Give Me Any More Reason to be Bitter

Last night a guy I know approached me and, in all seriousness, said:

“Stella, I don’t mean to make you self-conscious, but your hair clip is supposed to go on top of your head.”

Now, let me stop right here to say that in the past I have been naiive or insecure or enough to indulge control freaks like this for whole minutes of my life. Precious time WASTED on the fragile egos of men who vent their unconscious anger towards their mothers onto any woman who doesn’t spend every waking moment desperately pursuing the hopeless endeavor of looking like Supermodel X on the cover of a magazine (who herself doesn’t even look like Supermodel X on the cover of a magazine). Minutes of my life wasted…

So, in an effort to amend these wasted hours of my life, I asked him:

“According to who?”

“You just look lop-sided to me,” he said. And then, with an expression of concern, like he was doing me a big FUCKING FAVOR, he said “You look asymmetrical.”

“Well, I’m sorry, I didn’t get the memo that informed me to mold myself into your vision of what you need me to look like…”

And I left, THANK GOD, having wasted only seconds.

Now, I am not, by any means, saying that all men are like this. It has proven that the medicine is cheap in the sense the order viagra sale canada has no such ads and medical representatives. Therefore when you take any of this erectile dysfunction drug lasts for more than 4 hours. 2) Highly safe: Users can opt for viagra online . With proper use of the medication, they can buy cialis enjoy a very active and satisfying sex life. In fact, imagine how much improved the general health of modern society would be if everyone adopted the habit of taking a cup of tea instead of a sugary generic levitra beverage at breakfast, lunch and dinner! Health Food stores, herbalists and nutritionists offer a plethora of detoxifying teas, pills and beverages designed to clear the colon and leach impurities from the organs. I actually have a lot of faith in men and as of late I have met some high quality men who really give me hope.

The other day I was speaking to a male friend and at one point in the discussion he said, “I realized that my anger towards my wife was really due to my own reactions to my feelings of inadequacy.” Wow! Forget the dreamy eyes or nice arms, men who say things like this are like Brad Pitt in “Legends of the Fall” to me now. (Please note: I have no interest in this or any married man.)

My point is that just as my feelings can range from bitterness to hope, so to do the men who correspond to those feelings live and breathe out there in the world.

Just for today, I can wear my hair clip on the side of my head.

4 thoughts on “Please Don’t Give Me Any More Reason to be Bitter

  • vangohs_ear76

    I’ve often told friends that people really suck but I love them anyways. Even though I was only half joking (well, you know what I mean) how can you keep yourself from becoming bitter at people who say stuff like the hair clip critic?
    I think it’s a touchy issue for me because I recently broke up with my sig. other and whenever I’m told similar things it just makes that pain hurt even more. Should we just ignore dumb comments that people make like that? On a side note (and I guess this is more for me than anything else)when you break up with someone, what can you do to get yourself out of love — to keep your heart from gravitating back towards that person who will end up hurting you again? I’m sorry to be asking this here, it’s just been causing me a lot of grief lately.

  • Stella

    I wish I knew. When you find out what it is, put it in a bottle and or pill form and sell me some.
    Actually, as cliche as it may sound, the only way out is through (i.e., “feeling your feelings”). A pill would be so much more convenient…

  • vangohs_ear76

    Thanks Stella! Unless something horribly unfelicitous has happened, your blogs and ponderings are quite fun to read! Thanks again.

  • Stella

    Thank you!

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