Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


I’m All Over the Place

1) I don’t care what anyone says, I’m watching “Places in the Heart” at 11:00 pm.

2) Food for thought:

“The only men who want to get married are those who miss their mommies.”

– Samantha, Sex and the City (LOVE THAT SHOW!)

Mind you, this was in This is not only true you could look here order generic viagra for married women but also for single ladies with partners. Some of these are low self-image, fear of sexually transmitted diseases, traumatic sexual tadalafil tablets prices experiences in the past. To keep the purchase levitra body healthy and fit, people pay a lot of money. What some of the best male impotence published here vardenafil tablets drug generally do is that it helps men in keeping that erection for an adequate period of time in order to have sexual pleasure in their life. the first season and she was speaking of “marriage” – not a committed relationship. But still…

3) Is it bad luck to open up a window of your advent calendar before December because you crave chocolate really bad?

Just for today, it’s OK to not be able to form a coherent thought.

One thought on “I’m All Over the Place

  • vangohs_ear76

    You’re lucky, Stella! I miss owning advent calendars. You can always do what they did in “Badder Santa” and replace the missing chocolate with tylenol or some other thoughtful surprise.

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