Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Road Rage

I was in a road rage on my way to yoga today, and on my way home after yoga. However, for that 1 1/2 hours I was as peaceful as a song bird (which, I’m assuming, are peaceful creatures and that’s why they sing…if not, then I was as peaceful as…an elephant?). My apologies to the limo driver who kept stopping at cross streets that had no stop sign. Sure, you were holding up traffic and confusing me, but that was no reason to honk my horn and act out all my frustrations on to your ears. These penis enlargement pills are clinically tested and are free from order viagra online side effects. A percentage of the more basic issue buy generic levitra is melancholy, bipolar issue, dementia, and schizophrenia and nervousness issue. Hence this makes the medicine viagra price almost perfectly equivalent to branded versions. The reasons for cialis uk this are quite self evident to ambrina users. I was suffering from the rude aggressive mania that comes on me when the stars are aligned with my hormones in a special way. While yoga is fabulous, it’s no preventative cure for Los Angelisis. And when I have a case of it, I’m in a mad rush to get somewhere (usually nowhere really exciting…places like the post office, or Trader Joe’s) FAST!.

Just for today, I’m grateful for yoga…even if it’s not a cure-all.