Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Not too Tired to Rant

It’s been a crazy time for me, what with having a job to go to every day and all…(what’s up with this five day work week…have people gone INSANE?!). So, here I am, supporting myself by working for The Man while I race on the hamster wheel of my own making (I haven’t actually made a hamster wheel for myself – yet – it’s more a figure of speech). But amidst filing my taxes, applying for writing grants, and ALMOST becoming a certified member of the local yoga cult (I know how the chanting goes, I just don’t always feel like doing it), I have learned one thing….and that is…Fedex/Kinko’s is evil. Yes, Satan is alive and well, and you or someone you know may be consorting with Him (Hey, if God’s a man then so is Satan, you just can’t have it both ways). Stage buy viagra II is often accompanied by fibrosis (meaning knots and tight fiber-like tissue) and is mostly seen in treating premature ejaculations. It relaxes the muscles in the penile region generic cialis overnight & therefore, it leads for the effective flow of blood in to the targeted penile tissues this drug can make the tissue structure smoother as natural, stronger as required and durable as demanded in order to enjoy a successful sexual encounter. Same medicine has thousands of names to make it differentiate from the other brands. cialis canada cheap It helps in burning free cialis samples calories and improves the blood flow to the penis following sexual stimulation, which helps to continue an erection. Why? Two words. $.49 a COPY (actually that’s three words, if you count money as a word) if you print out from their computers!!! Not to mention the $.25 a minute to use a computer.

I don’t mean to get my flaming liberal on, but somebody is making $$ and it sure isn’t “Robert” at the front counter.

Just for today, I’m not to busy to be annoyed.