Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


My Father Is In Town…

My father has undergone a dramatic change in the last few years. I try not to question it, lest I jinx it, but it has resulted in new behaviors, many wonderful, some a little strange. At any given moment he might break into his Samba dance moves, or wax poetic about Dionyses (I am not making this up). But only few of them are effective and so people should make sure purchase viagra online that they take proper guidance from their doctor which leads them to proper treatment. The stimulation sent by the brain propels the genital organ to allow more blood flow to viagra buy uk cause an erection. On one occasion, male impotence is efficiently treated; probe cialis generika the majority of men go on to provide that obese men with diabetes fail to perform and impress their lady love in bed. Both tablets are easily available online. buy cialis However, this afternoon when I walked to his SUV and saw a bumper sticker that says, “WELL BEHAVED WOMEN SELDOM MAKE HISTORY,” stuck onto his (MY FATHER’S!) car, I thought he’d had gone completely insane.

“Your aunt gave that to me for Christmas,” he casually said.

My aunt giving him a feminist bumper sticker sounds about right. My father PUTTING IT ON HIS CAR, is about as predictable as catching Dick Cheney whimpering at a screening of “Brokeback Mountain.”

Just for today, I have yet more evidence that anything in life is possible.