Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Body Stuff

Irrigation Time

I’ve spent the past 48 hours spraying stuff up on my nose and watching in shock at what comes out. I’m also watching Spike Lee’s documentary, “When the Levee’s Broke” about the most poignant natural disaster in American history. Oddly, the two go together. In regard to organ failure, cialis viagra canada this condition may be brought about in the early 40s by the constant presence of a wide range of chemicals. Diabetes leads to purchasing viagra in canada the constant high blood sugar level * High blood pressure These are some very common underlying causes of male erectile issues that are decided by a physician. You can cross check with the doctors as this medicine is usa viagra store the best effective. IEP programs generic pharmacy cialis are designed by team of individuals including the child’s parents or caregivers. A long-ignored sinus infections and the Katrina hurricane’s effect in New Orleans. These are the purveryors of truth.

Just for today, I can live in reality.