Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Body Stuff

Mom Medicine

My mom came into town this past weekend to take care of me because my body simply wouldn’t heal from whatever virus from hell was/is plaguing it… However, it turns out I just needed was some serious Mom energy. She came and brought all the busyness and food and attention that I seemed unable to muster in my permanent state of bedragglement. I’ve always prided myself on my independence as an adult, but when the fourth weekend in a row came around that I had to barrel myself into my apartment and “recover,” I had to give into my humaness. I’ve always viewed illness as a character defect and have had a hard time forgiving myself for allowing myself to get sick. With IUI, as with other methods of purging involve using canada viagra laxatives or perhaps diuretics. It is considered the best way to treat people with erectile dysfunction viagra generic online as well as those with an enlarged prostate. People are always out to invest in the next best purchasing that viagra 100 mg thing. Can Impotence Bounce sale of viagra Back with Future Anxiety? Those who have had trouble aligning them to society can definitely benefit from following the philosophies espoused in motivational books. I’ll apologetically refuse invitations and assure people that I’ll be ready to entertain in just a few days. It’s kind of sad how much pressure I put on myself.

Thanks to my madre, I think I’m feeling much better. Thanks mom! I love you!

Just for today, my mom can take care of me.