Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Excuse Me…Do We Know Each Other?

When I first started dancing salsa (way back in August) if a guy initiated certain moves, I was shocked at what seemed to amount to someone trying to dry hump me on the dance floor. My thinking was, “You could at least take me to dinner first…” I wasn’t quite ready to accept the blatant sexuality that is “SALSA” (quotations and caps are my written attempt at a spanish accent). However, as I have become initiated into the culture of salsa, my squeamishness has diminished to the point where I can see that it’s not JUST about dry humping…

The truth is that salsa is a physical expression of the music and dancing to the beat is serious business (more bad news for white men everywhere). In fact, this drug can put a man on higher risks of erectile dysfunction. free cialis without prescription All these buy generic sildenafil methods break apart the ink pigment within the skin into tiny particles. The medicine is made generic cialis of pure herbs after extensive research and clinical studies, medical experts have succeeded in inventing effective oral medicines that work by improving the blood circulation to the man’s member. cialis samples You will see these commonly sold as research chemicals. Not surprisingly, there are SOME GUYS who use salsa to get some action (and I’m not naming any names). It’s taken me a while to learn to distinguish between those who are trying to cop a feel and those who are in tune with the spirit of salsa, AND trying to cop a feel…(ok so there are some nice guys out there, but they are usually totally out of step with the beat…). The truth is, the reward for being a good male salsa dancer is being able to get away with all forms of sexual harrassment on a dance floor…all in the name of art.

Just for today, I can dance salsa.