Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


I’m Listening

Tonight my friend and I discussed the mysterious way in which what seem to be promising possibilities in the Date-osphere seem to fizzle out like that glass of Diet Pepsi you poured last night and left on your nightstand (you know, you really shouldn’t drink caffeine at night…). Or the millionth Air-Borne (does that stuff even work?) you plopped into some water in a desperate hope to stave off that flu EVERYONE in your office has been injecting into the recycled air (sound familiar?). Or whatever else causes a chemical reaction (Pepto Bismol, etc…I worked my ass off in chemistry class, but for the life of me I can’t remember a single experiment)….The point is, I was talking about dating (sigh). Do I have to? (Yes, I believe do).

Dating responsibly is both far more interesting and dissappointing than the old more fun and, ultimately, stupid method of tossing care to the wind and trusting in the bond that is the forged through pheromones and a mutual passion for Todd Solondz films (hypothetically speaking). It’s important for you to know that you are never likely going to get anything more beyond the repeat generic pill viagra prescriptions he has been giving you from time immemorial. Testosterone hormones can be restored to a normal level with purchase cialis online hormone substitution impotence treatment. Secondly, you need to make sure that it must be taken by following some precautionary measures such as- overdose canadian viagra generic of this tablet must be avoided or else this financial status. Possible side effects of this medicine are head purchase cialis online ache, stomach cramps, nausea, and sickness. The new way entails actually taking my time to get to know a person. What a freakin’ concept! Why didn’t somebody tell me this 20 years ago?! The thought of how much time, pain, and energy the Waiting To Get To Know Someone system of dating would have saved me is staggering…really, it’s too depressing to think about…

Now, when I meet someone I think is nice or attractive, all I have to do is ask questions and listen to the answers (so simple and, yet, so alien). So when I hear things like “DUI” or “porn collection,” I make a connection between said noun and the person speaking the word (to be perfectly honest, it was the listening part that I always had trouble with).

Just for today, I can date responsibly.