Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Mojo Rising

I have a male co-worker/friend who makes the day tolerable by making me laugh and listening to my dating woes (more like my whining). He rides a motorcyle and about a year ago he took me on (for) a ride that was originally intended to be to my car. Without getting into the details (because it’s best not to underestimate the LAPD), let’s just say that I won’t be riding on any motorcyles with him or with anybody for the next few lifetimes. I still think he’s great. I’m just very attached to being alive.

On Monday he came into work with a healthy five o’clock shadow. To get the invitation to receive the effect delivered by this medicament, it is mandatory to let this medicine’s ingredients combined with titillation. online cialis no prescription But again, there are still many who draw Nightforce ATACR vs Beast (another exemplary range of Nightforce’s order cheap viagra powerful scopes and advanced technology) comparisons and get baffled before making the move. I was looking at the pages indexed by Google for and I noticed pages for Honda car cialis brand online parts listed. Herbal alternatives to medication are something that people look for across the spectrum of health care. viagra fast shipping When I asked him about it, he answered:

“For the mojo factor. I’ve got numbers flying at me now.”

Guys are so lucky. The less responsible and vigilent they are, the greater the sex appeal. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way for women. What sort of action would I get in the city of LA if I bought a motorcycle and let my legs, arm pits, and eyebrows grow out? I might get numbers, but they would, most likely, not belong to men…

Just for today, it sucks being a girl.