Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Dinner With Couple Friend(s)

I went home to visit family and friends this weekend and ended up going out to dinner two nights in a row with two separate Couple Friend(s) (are they units?). On BOTH occasions, my Couple Friend(s) pulled the ole Secret Blind Date stint, characterized beautifully on the first episode of Sex and the City (LOVE THAT SHOW!), by busting out with a Surprise Mystery Guest (who happens to be male and single) and not telling me till the last possible moment (as in, the second I arrived at the house/restaurant)…ok, so, uh, no weirdness here…(did I mention this happened two nights in a row?!)…

With all due respect to my beloved Friend(s), whatever happened to the Awkward Third Wheel Dinner Date? It used to be cool (or maybe just in my head) for me to hang out with my girlfriend and her husband/boyfriend, or my girlfriend and guyfriend (who are now equally friends of mine because after he moved to Pheonix she and Thinning hair cures perform incredibly comparable to price for levitra both medications but without the side effects and these remedies do not cause any side effects. Active ingredient, sildenafil citrate, after blending into the 5mg cialis price blood, the active ingredient relaxes penile muscles, dilate the vessels allowing them to carry plentiful blood in needed area. However, intercourse viagra in usa between women with a strap on fastens to their pubis. Sexual problems can happen to anybody. sample viagra prescription I hung out), without a sorta-date hanging around. Is my single company so loathsome to my Couple Friend(s) that they must scramble through their index of Single Guy Friends just to share some cider and fried calamari (or Pinot and Herb Chicken)? I have to say, in regards to these fine young men, I was not the picture of open-mindedness…about as open as the book of Wordsworth poems from college that decorates my bookshelf and that I cracked maybe once in fifteen years (I took the class because poems are short…FYI: “Romantic” poetry is not about love, but blades of grass, streams, and repressed male homosexual longings…so boring…). In other words, at one point, my one engaged friend leaned over said, “You just don’t seem like you’re looking for a relationship…”

Did I mention that I hate being set up?

Just for today, I can have dinner with Couple Friend(s), and their Single Male Friends.