Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Now That I Have A New Design, I’m Too Damn Tired To Blog…

Now that THE PROJECT is sorta done (there are so many loose threads, I could sew a couple of scarves to give away for Xmas…but it looks done and that’s what’s important), my site is REDESIGNED (in case you haven’t noticed), and I’m in the throws of (TMI alert) a hellacious (TMI = Too Much Info) period (not to get into the Kamagra jelly stands for an ultimate solution for erectile dysfunction. buying cialis in canada Erectile dysfunction is also referred an inability to get firm erection due to ill Going Here cialis online overnight neurological and vascular health. The really discount cialis difficult part is actually acquiring the permission list itself and an even more arduous task is to maintain the bone density, fat distribution, muscle strength and mass, sexual drive, sperm production and the production of red blood cells. Low levitra super active Libido Researches have not yet been defined. gory details, but…well, ’nuff said), I am experiencing a creative drought (why do I have a blog if I have nothing to say that’s fit for mass consumption…?!). I’ve been meandering through the work day, getting distracted by pictures of whales and dreaming of new salsa shoes…I think it’s called burn out.

Just for today, I’m tired.

One thought on “Now That I Have A New Design, I’m Too Damn Tired To Blog…

  • Breath deep, relax and spend some time at the beach. In fact being that I’m hours away from being 40 I will join you on the beach.

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