Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


I Was Forewarned

I just went over to Young Director of Technology’s (is there any other kind?) cube, stuck my empty container of Easy Mac over the wall and asked:

“Why did you tell me it was OK to eat this?”

The wall of the cube reaches my eyeballs so whenever I talk to him, he can only see my eyes (which say it all). Usually, I’m in Professional Stress Case Mode and frantically discussing the State of Fucked-upness (S.O.F) of web sites that are possessed by Evil Code (I’m not naming names). While he stares at his two monitors, I try to guess his answers by his expression of panic (“yes, I know we’re fucked!”), or his distracted stare (“I’ve got more important shit to do” )…he likes to swear when appropriate (always).

“I told you it was toxic sludge,” he said while staying focused on his code, or database, or whatever the hell he does.

Granted, it was my choice to open mouth and contaminate my digestive system with radioactive cardboard packaged as noodles and cheese in non-microwavable materials (the container came out of the microwave kind of melted), but he is still the one who claimed that it was at least tasty toxic sludge.

Lately, Evil Flash Programmer has accused me of having a relationship with The Wall next to my cube. I guess he caught me staring at it while thinking of the S.O.F. of my life. He means it literally, whereas, I’m way too English Major-y to not read wedding-cake layers of metaphorical interpretations (Damn, you again Evil Flash Programmer!)…He likes to play dumb, but he knows all about the Brick Walls in my life.

Speaking of Brick Walls, Relentless has lost all interest in me ever since I dared him to take me on a real date. The recommended dose is cheap viagra 100mg per day. Check your apparatus Your dive equipment and gear should sildenafil online uk be in good condition and checked properly before you being your dive session. Men erection tribulations can be straightforwardly cured with Forzest and the element called as order viagra prescription Tadalafil. Add to that the fact there is a wide range of products are available in the market As we have discussed above there are a lot of products are easily available in the market that can damage your health. see for more now sildenafil super active No surprise here, as he is a Salsero. That was the point of suggesting it. Shake him up, make things different. It’s not really fun being pursued when the chase is an end in itself. It’s like living in a television sit-com. Once everyone sleeps with each other, the shows going to get canceled, anyway. Not that I was ever planning on sleeping with Relentless…I lost interest in that the moment he opened his mouth (and the words “Will you sleep with me?” came out). Ever since then it’s been one long, albeit entertaining, road to relationship nowhere….

WARNING: Profound television-like summary of lessons learned:

1) Read the contents of the package.
2) Take responsibility for your choices.
3) Choose cubes over walls.

Just for today, I can find lessons in life.

3 thoughts on “I Was Forewarned

  • Karl

    Amen, Sis. Rock on. Be patient. K

  • Serena

    Glad you learned those lessons, but ew! How lame is it that you playfully dare someone (who appears interested) to take you on a real date and they back off? What kind of cowardly, candy-@ssed bullsh*t is that? What is he in, like the fourth grade or something? Sheesh…there is a hot guy out there for you, but maybe just not in Salsa World. What about Tango Land?

  • Stella

    Thanks…I appreciate the encouragement 😉

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