Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


I’m So Over It…

Between Relentless and Socially Inappropriate (more on him below) I have gotten an earful lately about How Men Really Are (do I have a sign on my forehead that reads, “Seeking To Be Jaded?!!”). It seems that because I enjoy the brotherly company (at least, that’s how I see it) of men who lack boundaries (and I, apparently, lack boundaries of my own) I have been given a floor-to-ceiling Malibu-mansion style window into the psyche of men seemingly incapable of having a relationship with a woman that precludes ushering her in (and soon out) of the bedroom (am I making myself clear?).

Socially Inappropriate is a gringo (i.e., brave) salsa dancer who once asked me if girls get hot and sticky “down there” when they dance…hmmm, so uh…gross? Like the name implies, he claims “honesty” as a foil for a perverse outflow of an interior monologue that like a David Lynch film straddles the line between amusing and repulsive [kind of like Relentless…what, is this some sort of new age courtship?…as phony as roses and chivalry are, at least they don’t make you puke…at least not right away].

Listening to these guys is kind of like watching a horror movie (not a David Lynch movie, more like Night of the Living Dead). I’m trying to cover my eyes, but it’s really tempting to peek out. Were I interested in anything other than dance partners who offer undeniable entertainment, I would run like the wind, but like a cultural anthropologist studying the mating practices of a species that seems incapable of successfully procreating, I’m gathering data and taking notes. Sure, the idea that Men Are Dogs, isn’t a new concept, but as a writer…really, this stuff is writing itself…

“All men are motivated by one thing,” said Socially Inappropriate to me on Sunday night. (Do I even have to say it?) “And that is pussy.”

He then proceeded to tell me about how his last fling wasn’t “enough” for him to consider as a serious relationship. levitra 100mg pills So engulf the tablet fully at once with enough amount of water. sildenafil buy Many factors such as work stress, stress in family relationships, or sometimes the stress of midlife transitions ” drown men in depression. Sex is all about getting connected with each other. cheapest levitra online The shipping charges can significantly trim by buying from online pharmacy you can avail better deals due to viagra order uk the sexual problems. Hearing that from someone who uses words like “shy-gina” really brought full closure on all the relationships where men have made such blanket “It’s Not Me, It’s You” proclamations (how come I don’t meet the “It’s Not You, It’s Me” guys? Do they live in New York?). Because I’m not the slightest bit interested, and, therefore, not blinded by hormones, co-dependence, or the emotional baggage of a distant father, I can see clearly what a crock this line about his affair really is (can’t believe I just ended on a passive verb…my college writing tutor would rip me a new one). Wow, rejection really is God’s protection (usually, I hate that expression). Stay strong, sister! You’ve been mercifully spared…

From talking to Relentless about his thirty-odd years of single-dom and ten years in Salsa World, it doesn’t come as any surprise to hear that most Latino men are hell-bent on embracing some archaic 19th century/third world/ghetto (however you choose to define “backward”) attitude towards women, all in the name of creating some kind of wannabe imaginary harem. Really, Hombres, don’t you realize that you live in the US of A? This is where Sex and the City was written, filmed, and televised to a wide audience. This isn’t fucking Mexico where men get away with murder (literally) and treat women like cattle…I mean, we’ve got jobs and power and education everything…my family isn’t expecting a dowry, and I’m fairly certain I don’t need to be an a polygamous family to keep a roof over my head. The steady clash of cultures is interesting, to say the least…

In all fairness, Latino men have to survive in white America and all men did come out of a woman who may or may not have had all her marbles…but still…

Just for today, I’m so over it…

5 thoughts on “I’m So Over It…

  • Well, if it makes you feel any better, I need intellectual and emotional engagement to find a women attractive in a sexual way. Of course, I remember “five and dime” stores and my concepts may be more archaic than rare. I hope these men, however backward they may be, can see the joy of relating fully and wholly in love with another person. And I pray that an evolved and attractive man comes your way, with true honesty and caring in his quiver.

  • Serena

    So…for the meaningful relationship part, have you considered seeking another form of dancing which might involve men who are more your type? Or maybe it’s not dancing…maybe it’s a course on something you find interesting. Still dance and keep those friends, but maybe look into something else that could lead you to find romance.
    p.s. I think Karl is flirting with you. πŸ˜‰

  • Stella

    I know, I know…It’s just great material and I’m a recovering (sort of) drama queen…it’s not like my other interactions (in the non salsa world) are without weirdness…I think it’s just me πŸ˜‰

  • Oh no! I’ve been found out! Actually I use a lot of $10 words for a flirt. I always believed that the way to the heart is with sultry simplicity, like a gentle caress. But I do think that evolved men (and I am not claiming to be one) listen and *hear*. Good relationships have balance, and that takes sensitivity and awareness on everyone’s part – especially since relationships are living, growing and evolving entities. I believe that you, Stella, have much more to offer beyond dancing, humour and good cooking. Again, I feel bad for the man who can’t see beyond the lithe physical beauty and misses the multifaceted Stella whose intrigues are worth a lifetime.
    Golly, it’s late to be going on like that. Keep up the patience – I am sure the rewards will be great when you find him.

  • Stella

    Thanks for the support!

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