Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


I’m All Over The Place

I’m so busy keeping up with social networking trends, I haven’t had time to blog…first Friendster and MySpace…now I’m being pulled onto Facebook and LinkedIn…WTF?! With all this time and energy spent we could all be attending weekly parties in real time. I’m ready to pull the plug on all of it. I’m tired of enabling people to create the illusion of a social life. If you want me in your life, ask me to coffee. If you want to feel connected in a meaningful way, leave the US and join a tribe in Africa (or any third-world country). Otherwise, accept the fact that we are isolated American who bond over television shows and spend your social networking time doing something more productive for society (like blogging about your feelings of rage towards the deterioration of human relationships) or yourself, for that matter. I recommend salsa dancing, but I imagine there are other activities that require face to face communication…(being a salsa addict, I have difficulty thinking of examples…).

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Jewish American Salsera asked me if I had ever gone on a date with someone I met on Halloween. She says that Halloween is a bad night to go out because the guys you meet are never as cute as they seem when they’re dressed up like Johnny Depp…

(giant sigh)…I think the fires are getting to me.

Just for today, I’m all over the place.

One thought on “I’m All Over The Place

  • So, would you like to meet for coffee?
    Ahem. Boundaries, remember the boundaries. This *is* the Internet.
    I don’t watch much television, so I don’t tend to interact with people thereabout. Sigh.
    However, as for other examples of places to relate: houses of worship, various forms of dancing, hiking, political organisations, volunteering for charity, cultural arts centres and ye olde hobby shop. People with common interests. So, your point is well taken. We (society) should deal with each other more often face to face.
    Oooops… gotta go. Meeting a friend, face-to-face.
    Keep up the good work- we all need a little shaking now and again.

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