Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Highlights Of 2007 Holiday Trip Home

I spent a good part of the day in Wireless Coffee Shop Land with my very articulate friend, Professional Communicator. [She’s so good at communication (it’s actually her job) that one time I had her write an email to an old boyfriend. She told me to rewrite it in my own words, but I just sent what she wrote because I liked it better.]

Anyway, This Is My Day Job guy was working behind the counter (I’ve never actually spoken to him but have decided that he’s the bass player in an indy blues band from Minnesota…). It is well said that if you are suffering from one of the side-effects i.e. headaches, nausea, blurred vision, etc for a long time and it doesn’t to go away, it is best that you visit a popular social levitra from canada network site. It means bedrooms that have several uses or homes that have enough space for aging purchasing viagra in canada mother and father or mature boomerang children returning to live with you. So, men can continue it viagra online for a long period of time given that you as well as your companion last make love, the drug could be influencing. The first step in a concrete PPH diagnosis is an analyzation of symptoms, to see if they have order cialis online eased, or become more problematic, over time. Yes, flirting with guys who make minimum wage…(how have I stayed single so long?)…

Enough with the sarcasm, time to list the highlights of my trip home.

Highlights of 2007 Holiday Trip Home

1) The absinthe (read blog below).

2) Watching Fozzie Bear in the dummy sketch (Muppet Show Season 2) with my mom and sister (I have a big crush on him).

3) Telling my dad that my issues with him can’t possibly be a projection of my father issues of him because he is my father.

4) Witnessing the creation of delicious tamales (since I didn’t really do that much, I can’t really take any credit).

5) Giving the exact same scarf to my aunt that she gave to me (we think alike).

5) Eating lots of good food and drinking lots of wine (absinthe is not wine).

Just for today, I can enjoy the holidays.