Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Self-Indulgent Endorsement From Stella

I had an appointment at Kaiser today, having been relegated to this ghetto insurance plan due to my high Cobra payment. In reality, the experience wasn’t “ghetto,” and even if it was, I trust any doctors willing to work with the “Peoples” to my former antibiotic-pushing Republican doctor.

Speaking of health care, I’ve been wanting to endorse the most groundbreaking American woman of the 21st century, but fear the wrath of people who get squirmey and hysterical whenever there is the slightest hint of the possibility of a human being with breasts “leading” the free world (if that’s what you want to call it…). If you ask me (and nobody is, but that never stops me) if Hilary secretly underwent a sex-change operation and came back under the code name of Clint or Hal, she’d probably be hailed a Kennedy-like saint. Short of physical Guam torture, I can’t imagine a more brutal initiation process (I would rather be a fraternity pledge at a southern state school). I have nothing against Obama, I just can’t imagine him jumping into the fray and getting all bloody and dirty. The drug is almost five times stronger than order viagra on line . In the UK the MHRA (Medical & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) is the equivalent of the female menopause that usually affects men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience occasional ED, and generic viagra soft its frequency and severity increases with age. But again women is very conscious generic levitra about what treatment she is adopting and that treatment should be according to their health. These offers are eventually in the favor of buyers and such offers are not available in the cialis 5 mg walk in stores. He’s like the student body president in junior high that everyone liked, but you wouldn’t expect to defend his home boys in that hallway fight (I went to a violent junior high school, so that’s just what comes to mind). I’m not naiive and idealistic (I was born in the 72…Nixon was in office). I like my mafia gangsters twisted and sociopathic, and I like my politicians cunning, calculating, and tough. I don’t see why a woman politician should be any different than every politican…

And, lastly, it makes perfect sense that the first woman to run for the highest office would have a husband who already had the gig as she could never be accused of emasculating him (God forbid).

Just for today, for what it’s worth, I endorse Hilary Clinton for the democratic nomination.