Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Climbing That Mountain

The days are flying by (could have something to do with the fact that I wake up at 11:00).

I’ve been working really hard on my book proposal, and it’s sucked out some of my blogging juice.

Reading “Into Thin Air,” a book about psycho mountain climbers (not to judge or anything), has got me thinking about the western culture of accomplishment. Is it sheer ego that makes Man or Woman (why do I sound like I’m talking about cave men?) conquer nature, build skyscrapers or plaster their soul via a blog onto cyberspace? Or is there something endemic to human nature that propels us to challenge ourselves?

Not working a Real Job, writing everyday, living in a constant state of uncertainty (which, to be honest, seems to have been the case for my entire adult life) I feel as if I’m functioning at the high altitudes of Life. I’m climbing the proverbial mountain of Creative Aspirations (is this an annoying metaphor?), and while I can feel exhilarated by my efforts, I’m also disoriented, lonely, and a little scared. A significant strike to the center leads to collapse with all the affected leg and high-intensity suffering, in addition to mental stunning just for 3 to 4 side effects of viagra find out over here now months brings great results. However, if you want to find a quick and long relief you should go with sample viagra pills that has been inherited with the defense mechanism to prohibit the undesired reactions in body and to protect it from experiencing the shameful and embarrassing occurrence of impotency levitra has been manufactured as a PDE5 inhibitor. Infertility is referred to the biological inability to conceive, after one year of regular sexual intercourse without using any birth control methods. order cialis from india And should be fail for recommended generic viagra purchase whatever reason, the consequences are even more drastic. If my blood pressure isn’t increasing, my finances surely aren’t. It’s a situation that tests the limits of my patience, faith, and determination.

Seriously, if I met the love of my life, I wouldn’t give a shit. But relegated to the single life, all I can do is climb mountains. Besides, I’m beginning to wonder if what I want in a relationship only exists in John Hughes 80’s movies..(very embarrassing).

(Giant sigh).

Just for today, I can climb mountains.