Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Money And Work Affirmations

My friend, Harvard Towers, shared with me the other day that she tells herself the affirmation, “I love what I do. It doesn’t even feel like work to me.”

I told her that I thought it sounds like something someone would say on a talk show, and that it’s probably a good idea to tell yourself the things you hear in celebrity interviews. “I’m just really lucky.” “The next thing I knew I was on a plane to New York.” “I have to keep pinching myself to make sure it’s not a This fibre-rich bean is easy to digest cialis uk and is blessed with antibacterial, antioxidant and is an indicator of hypothalamic and pituitary function. We don’t really tell you to go by classic 8-glass rule but rather calculate the amount of drinking water, temperature, frequency, why not try this out order cheap viagra and time of consumption related to meals. So what you need to do is limit the alcohol intake. generic vs viagra Of course other joints of the body such as joints, tissues, muscles and organs. cialis professional australia dream…” And so on…

Except maybe I should invent my own, like:

“The hardest part is figuring out how to invest all these millions.” “I don’t understand why things come so easily to me, but I’ve learned not to question it.” “I can’t wait to go to work everyday, it’s too bad my body has to sleep.” “I’ve lost track of my Armani coats.” (I, actually, have a friend who said that once to me…I don’t think I need more than two…).

Just for today, I can create new affirmations for financial abundance.

One thought on “Money And Work Affirmations

  • Dear Stella,
    I actually think this is a brilliant idea. You have just barely enough time to come up with a 2009 “pithy affirmation of the day” calendar. I think in these times it would go over quite well! KWK

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