Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Giant Sigh…

I’ve been feeling a little depressed and haven’t been inspired to blog. I think it’s the requisite bi-monthly Stress And Freak-Out required by the California Employment Development Department (such a nice way of saying “Unemployment”). I’ve been due for one, anyway. It’d been a while since I considered doing anything like moving to Tangiers, sub-letting my apartment to European backpackers, or joining the CIA. In people pheromones are unpredictably identified with physical fascination and arousal, which clarifies why the truffle has such a diffusive property that even when the crushed bulb is rubbed to the soles of purchase generic levitra the feet, its odor is exhaled by the lungs after some time. It can safely be concluded as levitra india a kind of silent outbreak. In this way, they will a feel lot more comfortable prior to ordine cialis on line check out that sexual activities. This has meant that more and levitra vardenafil generic more couples are now struggling to have a fulfilling sexual relationship.

Actually, that last one is no joke (well, not to my father, anyway). I made the mistake of mentioning to him my life-long secret dream of working for the CIA, and now that’s all he can talk to me about. I’ve, actually, gone so far as to research the training program. So, if you don’t hear from me in a few years, just assume that I’m working as an undercover Mafia housewife in New Jersey (actually, never mind, I’ll never get the accent right…).

Just for today, I can have my freak-outs.