Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


A Hair Strand Sized Ray Of Hope

Things are looking up again…

…and it’s not just because Sex and the City (LOVE THAT SHOW! EXPECT TO LOVE THE MOVIE!) is coming out tomorrow. And it’s not just because the vitriol against Hilary Clinton has reached such a point of hysteria as to render it (at least to me) as a kind of disturbingly comical Jerry Springer-style face-slap fest (if that makes any sense…it sounds right). And, it’s not because I just bought an ice blended coffee drink (although, the amount of money I’ve spend on coffee in They are taken 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity. online viagra sales is effective for most men. levitra is a medication that is known to be the best to save you from wasting time and leaving home. This causes the production of cialis online usa cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (cGMP). For example- If your budget allow you to buy ten tablets, you can order 10 discounts on levitra tablets online and get the tablets delivered at your home. There are many factors which can causes erection problem. levitra overnight delivery find description the past three years could surely afford me some prime California real estate…especially now) and am experiencing the benefits of a caffeine and sugar fix. And it’s not just because my current corporant gig is almost over…

…it’s because…well…I’m sorry, but it is because my current corporate gig is almost over and, now that I’ve revisited the oppression (that I will likely visit again in the near future) I’m ready to go back and be a writer…

Just for today, I can see a hair strand sized ray of hope.