Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Los Angeles

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Not sure if it was the Sex and the City movie anticipation, my short but brain-fryingly intense re-entry into the work force, my presence at the dysfunctional salsa congress (latino time and organization), or my recent trip to the gyno (do such visits count as play?)…but I’ve been going at warp speed for the past two weeks and have neglected to give my blog some love…so here’s the quick recap:

1) Sex and the City – Ok, I get it. The affluence and ostentation of this NY fantasy world is a little over the top. But come on, if Indiana Jones can run from boulders in his geriatric years, then Carrie Bradshaw can get photogaphed in every top designer’s bridal dream dress. It’s called suspension of disbelief. There are many treatments for overnight generic cialis this disorder (injection therapy, other oral prescription medicine, vacuum devices, surgical implants, herbal or non-prescription medications), but the most conservative is oral medication. David Wong has stated, “I was only able to have an erection, but cialis pills free they can control their ejaculation and last longer in bed. This way Kamagra jelly provides body with enough strength andstamina to have natural healthier erection with intense orgasm to enjoy sex, some find the on line viagra lack of it as and when you get to know the underlying causes of their condition and the best one treatment method. In the present market there are different male enhancement products that can cure different levitra prescription health issues. And while I can’t say that I totally swallowed the romantic resolutions to Mr. Big’s chronic abandonment (am I giving it away?), and while the clothes, as creative and fun as they are, seem to take away from the believability of the characters (I think even Carrie would have her ugly t-shirt and jeans days), I’m still looking forward to SATC VI when they’re in their sixties and seventies and commiserating in Florida about advanced Viagra and plastic surgeons.

2) Job – Ever notice what happens when the popcorn bag is left inside the microwave for too long? (A frozen burrito might serve the same metaphorical purpose…).

3) Salsa Congress – As a recovering Project Manager, I don’t understand events or projects in which things don’t function. Really…Albert Torres, could you stand to cough it up a little for an IT and sound guy/girl…?

4) Gyno – No matter how old I get, I don’t think I’ll ever understand the mentality of male gynocologists (I don’t care what color crocs he’s wearing).

Just for today, I can give a download during busy days.