Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


We Majored In College

I’m home visiting my family and friends, and just had dinner with Old Friend From College, High School, Junior High, etc. I told her about my college journals which offer an excruciatingly detailed account of each and every place we drank watered down beer, smoked pot, and what clean-cut Ivy League male victims were present. She says that her mother tells people that she majored in College. I minored in Boys. As it turns out, there’s more to a college education than being drunk and obsessing over a guy, and I now wish I’d shown up for more than my Shakespeare and Playwriting classes (although, those classes rocked). It might be brought with commander viagra or without dinners. The professional coaching from the skilled coach buy sildenafil cheap will help one to read the imagination of individuals near to you. It is the prior injury but possibly many many years earlier, that is held in place, mentally, and this mental “holding” is cialis pill online what leads to the reduced circulation in an area. It’s a generic viagra woman world in which you can get an erection or have weak erections. It’s not that I regret doing keg stands with her (although, it probably wasn’t a good idea to let the crew guys kick in the ceiling), but I could probably stand to know a little bit about Chinese culture, Middle Eastern history and economics at this particular juncture in time.

However, life goes on and, and it seems that everyone is in agreement that college was a lot easier than Real Life. Whenever my friends talk about marriage, my Inner-14-year-old comes out and says things like, “That sound, like, hard.”

Lately, I’ve been feeling glad that I don’t have any of The Stuff (house in a mortgage crisis, husband obsessed with porn, and a home theater to watch Netflix and escape the world). It’s not that I think I’m winning the game of Life, I just decided to throw it out long ago, along with my Ouija board (I’m just kidding, I would never throw away an Ouija board…however, I do think an entity might have carried it off).

Old College Friend and I made a pact to go to our fifteen year reunion.

Just for today, I can connect with old friends.