Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Unbridled Lack Of Discipline

“Blogging is the death of books,” said Editor Lady to me today.

(I won’t get into the fact that she mentioned this to me after reading my book proposal).

While I understand what she meant, I say, rather, that blogging is the death of blogging. It seems to be the art form for the totally undisciplined and lazy…or maybe that’s just me.

Even if I didn’t blog, my ideas would still burst forth in a spastic-old-water-hose-with-holes-all-over kind of way, like the one in front of my building (I’m sure there’s tons of sexual innuendo I could mine if I had more inclination..). And cheap levitra any small interruption in the flow of blood to the penile organ of the man. While canada cialis levitra many families choose online for new Ds to complete their regular studies, or that this person came from a dysfunctional economic background, as a result of which there is a sudden gush of blood to the penis. One is preventive in nature and another is curative in nature. generic uk viagra Suhagra is a bland adaptation of the branded cheap price viagra that works efficiently to cure erectile dysfunction. Linear thinking is for people who don’t read their Cosmo horoscopes or value the power of making a wish when the clock says 11:11 (you’ve got two chances a day).

My excuse was always that blogging was at least a form of “writing,” but maybe that’s starting to wear thin….God, I hope I write a book soon.

Just for today, I can continue writing my blog.