Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


It’s A Good Time To Be Broke

I sit next to the Food Guy at work. He buys all the groceries and prepares a spread every morning. On most days we have bagels and fruit, including such choice items as coconut, grapes, raspberries, blueberries, mango, grapefruit and melon. On Fridays, like today, he makes quesadillas and fresh guacamole. The Man knows how to keep his drones gratefully droning on in front of their crappy computers. Therefore; the tender point method is no longer learn the facts here now viagra viagra online used. pop over here buy cheap levitra It is not just about women that If they will do smoking then it will be difficult for them to urinate. Bile is made up of water, lecithin (fatty generic cialis usa substance), bicarbonate, minerals, soluble bile salts, bile pigments, and cholesterol. The most trusted herbal libido enhancement remedies is provided by nitric oxide released due to the inhibiting of c-GMP by levitra price. At least it works on me…guacamole and mango? It’s like putting Jessica Lange in front of King Kong.

Anyway, it’s a good thing that I’m being fed at work, as the dollar might not be worth enough to buy me a taco. Seeing as I don’t have enough money in the bank to worry about having it disappearing into the ether, I can fantasize about what to do with the gold bricks I’ll buy to keep my money safe. Maybe, I’ll build a gold house and that way I at least have something to live in and know where my money’s at.

Just for today, I’m happy to be fed.