Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Guy Talk

Food Guy and I went out for a chai latte today to talk about my (pathetic) personal life. I told him about all the annoying things the last guy I dated did, and he agreed that those are all the things he does on a regular basis. Phew, at least Food Guy is normal! So, I went on to pump him for information.

“Do guys like it when they think that other guys are interested?”

“No, that works more with girls. ED, as it is also referred to, is a discounts on viagra physical problem and not a psychological disorder and as such, can be treated by the regular massaging of male organ with Mast Mood oil daily two to three times. This viagra prices ingredient, in the kind of a grain, can stimulate blood circulation in the human body, suffuse the spongy tissue of the male genitals with blood within a couple of tens of minutes to recognize erection. All these are available in order levitra various sizes and prices. There must be no excess consumption of the drug products if the patients have been suffering from improper cheap sildenafil india medical history. Guys don’t really care what other guys think.”

Ok, cross Try To Seem Popular off the list.

“Sometimes, I like it when I’m the only one who thinks a girl is hot,” he went on.

Wow, Food Guy is giving great insight!

“What about when a guy calls and says, ‘Just wanted to see what you’re up to?’ but doesn’t make any plans,” I asked.

“He’s just hedging his bets.”

Damn…that’s what I thought!

I came away from our Chai Latte Talk realizing that in 36 years, I haven’t gained much insight into the opposite sex. In fact, I think I’m going in the opposite direction. Too much therapy is making me lose my game. Note to self: have more Guy Talks with Food Guy.

Just for today, I can try to understand men.