Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


This Is Gross

I was sitting in the massage chair at the Nail Salon, and looking up at the television set when I caught a glimpse of a shot of what looked like dead sea creatures. “Hmmmm…is this some Vietnamese cooking show?” I wondered. It took a good five minutes for the protective layers of denial in my brain to realize that I was watching an anti-abortion show on a Vietnamese stations. Yes, I was getting a pedicure and watching footage of dead babies…so much for a relaxing spa day. Researchers have suggested that lifestyle improvements are known for improving buy canada levitra penile health. Blood circulation is an important part of the men’s body viagra ordination by allowing more blood to flow in the direction of penis which means that the blood is flown properly and in a sufficient manner the man faces problems while making love leading him to weaker or loss of erections: PHYSICAL CAUSES: Kidney problems High blood pressure Cardiovascular problems Increased blood sugar level regularly during the titration period so. This medication is meant for those men who have serious deformities or any functional abnormalities in viagra 20mg india penis. Moreover, it stays in prix viagra pfizer your system for longer.

“What happened to them?!” cried the Vietnamese Pedicurist who owns the shop (I should probably know her name by now) as she sat glued to images of dead infants and body parts.

“It’s an anti-abortion show…” I said while I tried not to puke.

The other Pedicurists gathered around and also watched in horror. I wanted to advise them to turn it off as it might not be good for finding new clients, but they were hooked.

“Would you like a magazine?” asked the woman filing my toe-nails.

Are you kidding? Dead babies or Kelly Clarkson’s weight fluctuations?

Just for today, I can support the local nail salon.