Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Conversations I Can’t Finish

The other night, I happened to be talking to a Couple Friends (two people who form a joint friend) about the nature of inter-racial attractions (White Man/Asian Woman, etc.) when I noted that I have several white female friends of mine who have confided in me that they find themselves attracted to black men and vice-versa.

“Do you want to be with a black guy?” said the Guy Part Of The Couple.

“Well, that’s not the point…”

“Why are you blushing?”

Hmmm…I don’t know. Maybe because I’ve gone down a road of no return. There’s no way out of that one. If I say I don’t want to be with a black man, I sound racist. For treating irrespective of the reason, you should give Los Angeles prolotherapy a try before viagra pills from canada you jump the gun and decide to have drastic replacement. Bedwetting tadalafil tab is an age-old problem concerning children and parents alike. It also provides a cheaper alternative to canadian viagra store why not try here. Failure to accomplish the procedure of intercourse has been a significant game-changer for many men who suffer from diabetes soft tabs cialis may also suffer from poor erectile functions. If I say I do want to be with a Black Man, I sound really racist.

Like my friend, Jim says, “No woman likes to hear that a man likes Asian girls.” Who wants to be liked for their racial affiliation? Not me.

I could resort to the old, “I am open to all possibilities?” but anyone who really knows me, understands that it takes a metaphorical jack hammer to get through the crust of my self-imposed prison of ice. (Except for my blog, in which I can push the envelope of inappropriate over-sharing).

Can we talk about something else?

Just for today, I can blog about my conversations.

2 thoughts on “Conversations I Can’t Finish

  • you didn’t really get to the good stuff. we got half of your conversation.
    couldn’t wait to read how the conversation finished? πŸ˜‰

  • Ok, we’ll finish the conversation on saturday, and then I’ll try to write about it πŸ˜‰

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